Thursday, October 7, 2010

Monster #2

This guy just looks like he'll be tons of fun at parties. Other than being cute, he most likely be good with kids and back scratching. Someone give him a name!

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Random Monster number 1

Unsure what part of my brain this little guy came from. All I know is he's lovable and wants a home. Quick whoever comments on this picture with the coolest name for this guy will win the original!

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Girl with flying fish

Finished finally! I really need to work on this "not being lazy" thing more. I settled for huge flying Koi fish and a baby one smelling her hand or something. More of these to come!

Monday, August 30, 2010

Retro Carlos #2

So, I was looking on this old social networking site (maybe you can remember, it was called "mayspace" I think) And I found a picture of the first painting I ever sold. It's called Letting Go Of Hope and I sold it for $150.

I remember I was so excited when the money was exchanged. I felt like a real artist and was on super powerful creative rollercoaster afterwords. I can remember how happy I was that night.

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Boy with flying "deer"

All I did was walk in to my apartment and this weird little dude on a flying deer thingy popped in my head. Kinda cool but not really.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Girl with big buddy

I imagine there's more to this picture. As though the story is in the back of my head just waiting to get out and let the world know of the adventures these two are having.

One day I will draw the rest. It won't happen til my back quits acting up. ARGH!
Everytime I sit down to draw, I get this tingly feeling in the middle of my back and it very annoying and is keeping me from drawing. Lame!

Monday, August 23, 2010

Retro Carlos #1

I decided to post up an old painting of mine at least once a week. This I did I think last year (way too lazy to get up from this chair and confirm). I call it Internal Love Battle and it's one of my favorites. It just looks really "artsy" to me. I genuinely put some emotion into creating ILB and always get the most complements for it.

What do you think?

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Kinda abstract woman

I started this one awhile back and recently decided to attack it again. There were tons of lines I made with charcoal all over the canvas. Apparently, I wanted this piece to be very complicated (Probably the reason why I left it undone for so long). There are a few parts I painted in that frame I had wanted but mostly I simplified it. I think I saw the movie "Modigliani" with Pablo Picasso in it and thought I can do that! and I did.

I stuck with primary colors because I wanted this to be a simple piece, color wise. It's not really "abstract" since you can still tell what is what but the colors definitely lean towards the abstract side.

Let me know what you think!
Thanks for checking out my stuff!

Girl with baby thingy

I was going to make her hair red but I can't find my red marker and I still don't have my laptop yet (it has photoshop on it) so this will have to do. I might make one of these drawings the star of the new painting but am unsure which one to use.

Let me know what you think in the comments below.

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Alomst done but had to share!

This is the first of a new series I'm doing. Unsure what to call the series but I like it so far. This painting is not finished. She's looking at something cool and it's obviously floating above her. I'll figure it out as soon as it drys.

What do you think???


Girl with flying jelly fish.

I like and hate this drawing. I like it because I've always had this fascination with fantasy and normal creatures doing things that are not in their nature. Jelly fish hovering over a girls head is definitely out of the jelly fishes comfort zone. I think I'm gonna paint this one.

I hate this drawing because my dumb ass inked another drawing over it and I got smudges all over it.

Commence pouty face and grumbles of discontent.

Monday, July 19, 2010

Girl with blue hair

Hi... Thanks for finding this blog! I'm Carlos and I want to do something with my art. I paint and draw and will attempt to post daily drawing and paintings here. I would love to explain my art in a beautiful and thought evoking manner but I mostly see these images in my head and want to share them with people so I put them on paper/canvas to do so. I tend to get lazy so if you like my stuff, want to see more, and I'm not posting, send me a tweet ( or follow me on Facebook (

Thanks for reading, looking, and giving me your time and interest!
